Friday, April 10, 2009


Dee was 28 years old when we found out it was cancer. It didn't even matter what type of cancer, the fact that it was cancer stunned us. Following the news of cancer was the news that Dee only had 30 days to live so they would just keep her comfortable until then. Talk about shock after shock.
Luckily for us the doctors changed rotations on the cancer floor right about that time. As the next doctor and his team visited us, they had some hopefully news. This great doctor, Dr Holen, (who actually speciliazes in colon cancer) said that he had seen to many different things happen with cancer to give up hope. He let us know about an aggressive treatment that they had never tried on on an adult before but it was used to treat children with rhabdomyosarcoma. He said that he believed she was young enough to try this. His team cautioned that no adult was even expected to survive the treatment but that the treatment should give her 6 months to 2 years.
This is where Dee and I had a heart to heart, or at least as much of one that we could with Dee sleeping so much. I told her that if she wanted to fight and try, I would stand by her side and do everything I could to help. She decided to try, Dr Holen gave us the message that we needed to hear - there is always HOPE.

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